
Whether they be formed as Limited Liability Companies (LLC), Corporations (Inc.), Partnerships (LLP or PA) or non-profits (501C3), Williams, Driskill, Huffstutler & King has years of experience in assisting our clients with the establishment and legal protections for entities of all types. A considerable amount of experience is available through the staff at Williams, Driskill, Huffstutler & King for dealing with everything that a company may experience. Contract development and contract review; human resources and employment law; legal opinions on business ventures; defense of lawsuits; filing suit when necessary; collections of accounts receivable; Buy-Sell Agreements among shareholders and partners; share transfer agreements; business sales and acquisitions; and other matters that occur on a day-to-day basis for companies everywhere. Williams, Driskill, Huffstutler & King performs general counsel services for many companies, and acts as special counsel for companies with singular needs.

Like the laws and nuances of corporations, the laws governing public entities in Alabama are also unique. The Attorneys at Williams, Driskill, Huffstutler & King have decades of service as defense counsel and general counsel to governmental and quasi-governmental entities. In some ways a governmental entity is very much like a business with many of the same procedural, employment, and contractual issues. Every municipality, county agency, utility board, or publicly owned cooperative has to balance the ability to “run the business” of their respective governance within the confines of the Open Records Act, nuances of public works bid laws, questions regarding public servant immunities from suit, and the determination as to whether liability attaches under applicable notice statutes. The Attorneys at Williams, Driskill, Huffstutler & King have represented municipalities of all sizes, gas boards, public authorities, water & sewer boards, municipal ambulance services, and others. We also represent entities such as those just listed as an outsourced general counsel to provide contract review, assistance with resolutions, annexations, and public works projects.

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Real Estate
Corporate / Governmental
Family Law